广州尚居家具有限公司主要经营橱柜及板式定制类家具,是一家集设计&生产、销售、安装与售后服务于一体专业化厨房家具制造销售商,产业涵盖整体橱柜、整体衣柜、书柜、浴室柜、办公家具等。 我们工厂拥有成套专业的板式橱柜、家具流水生产线,主要设备均为美国、意大利进口或国内名优设备。凭借先进精密的专业设备,成熟的生产服务技术,完善的质量监控程序,是产品与服务质量的信心和保证;公司始终坚持以绿色环保为选材基准,以追求品质**为宗旨,以务实、诚信、进步、创新为精神。融汇中西方经典设计理念,结合东方人居特点,用精练的线条和细节彰显客户尊贵不凡的品味,体现简约时尚的个性化风格;公司成立以来,凭借高品质的产品、合理的价格与完善的服务深得各大房地产商的信赖,合作广泛,顺利完成众多楼盘配套与样板房工程。多年来,我们一直保持健康、稳定、快速的发展。展望未来,我们将继续坚持以**的品质、真诚的服务、良好的诚信为经营理念,进一步提升企业核心竞争优势,不断的为更多的客户提供品质与品位的享受,努力成为客户心目中**有价值的整体家具品牌。 Mainly engaged in the cabinet and the plate custom funitue, is a set design, poduction, sales, installation and afte sale sevice in one of the pofessional kitchen funitue manufactuing vendos, industy coves the whole cabinet, wadobe, cabinets, bathoom cabinets, office funitue.
How to ode oukitchen cabinets?
1. Customes offe geneal dawing of the kitcen cabinet.
2. Ou designe will make a pofessionaldawingaccoding to you kitchen layout.
3. Afte you comfimation of the dawings, infom us the mateial and types you need.
4. We will do quote once get the comfimation of you.
Note: Customes can ode all the kitchen sample we put o you can also have you own idea, as we ae custom-made kitchen cabinet supplie, so diffeent colos and types ae avaible.
♥ ♥ Thank you again fo you attention and have a wondeful
移动电话:18680515688 叶先生
传真:86 020-36082189
地址:中国 广东 广州白云区石槎路691号
邮 箱:dianmeijia@126.com